As pretty as fallen leaves can be, they can also be a nuisance. They can cause driveways to become slippery. They clog up gutters and drains. And they can cause lawns to become patchy by blocking out sunlight. Fortunately, there are many measures you can take to stop leaves from causing chaos. Below are just a few ways to tackle leaves on your property.
Buy The Right Rake And Broom
The most traditional way to remove leaves from a lawn is to use a rake. This needs to be a leaf rake. Such rakes come in different shapes and sizes – lighter rakes are good for quickly removing loose leaves, while heavier rakes with steel tines are useful for removing wet leaves.
As for hard surfaces like driveways and patios, the simplest tool you can use is a broom. Make sure that this is an outdoor broom with stiff bristles.
Keep A Leaf Collection Bag
It’s important to not just sweep leaves out of the way, as they will simply blow back the next day. Instead, aim to dispose of leaves in a bin. Alternatively, collect them in a bag to use as compost or mulch for plant beds.
There are garden sacks you can buy for storing leaves in. You can rake and sweep leaves into these bags and store them for later use.
Invest In A Leaf Blower/Vacuum
Leaf blowers allow you to more quickly remove leaves from your property. Some of these tools also have a vacuum option and a leaf collection bag, allowing you to suck up leaves instead. This could save you a lot of time.
Of course, leaf blowers/vacuums cost a lot more than a rake or a broom and they can be quite noisy. Many are operated via a rechargeable battery, but you can also buy plug-in options.
Consider A Mulching Lawnmower
Mulching lawn mowers are mowers that are able to shred grass and leaves and then collect it in a bag. They can be excellent for both cutting grass and removing leaves from a lawn. The shredded grass and leaves can then be disposed of, or kept to use as mulch or compost.
Some mulching lawn mowers use petrol, while others are electric. If you’re looking for a quieter and lower maintenance option, an electric mower is your best choice. Such mowers include plug-in versions and battery operated versions.
Install Gutter Guards
One of the most common causes of blocked guttering is leaves. This can lead to water spilling over the sides and causing puddles all around your home. In winter, these blockages of leaves can even freeze up, causing guttering to become heavy and in some cases come loose.
A gutter guard is a solution to this. These are mesh barriers that allow rainwater into your gutter while blocking out leaves. Look into professional gutter guard solutions near you and have one installed on your gutter if you don’t already have one. You can also buy similar guards for drains to stop them from getting blocked.
Buy A Pool Cover
Owning a pool requires a lot of maintenance. One of these maintenance tasks involves skimming your pool to remove debris that have fallen into it. In fall and winter, leaves can be a real nuisance. To help reduce the amount of leaves falling into your pool, it’s worth investing in a pool cover if you don’t already have one.
Pool covers not only prevent leaves falling into your pool while not in use, but also help maintain water quality and prevent water evaporating. You can buy soft pool covers or hard pool covers. These typically need to be made to measure.
Cover Ponds With Netting
If you’ve got a pond, you could find that this also gets covered in leaves. This is not good for any plants, pet fish or wildlife that are in your pond.
Adding a thin mesh net to the top of your pond can allow oxygen and water to still get in, while keeping leaves and other debris out. It can also have the added benefit of preventing birds from nabbing your fish.
Add Brush Strips Underneath Doors/Gates
Doors and gates with gaps beneath could let leaves blow in. In other cases, leaves may get stuck underneath doors and gates, making them hard to open and close. Adding brush strips to the bottom of doors and gates can solve this.
You can buy brush strips online to install yourself or you can hire someone to install them. Seals around windows and doors can similarly stop leaves getting in around the sides.
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