Getting customers excited about your business through clever marketing techniques is one thing. But actually encouraging them to stay with you long-term is quite another. Many people initially feel hyped and excited, but later discover that what you offer isn’t quite what they want.
The trick here is to focus on customer acquisition. You want to know what it is that you need to do to first attract, and then keep clients interested in your business.
Customer Acquisition Strategy: What Works
Use Data
One option is to use data. With information, you can constantly cycle through periods of testing, trying new things to see what works.
Obtaining customers is becoming easier because of machine learning technologies (something that many CRMs now use). These look into the data and can tell you when you need to reach out to a customer, offer them an upgrade, give them a call, etc.
You can also use Google Analytics for some old-fashioned analysis. This tool provides in-depth information on where customers are coming from online, and which channels you can exploit to remain in contact with them long-term.
Personalization At Scale
You can also attempt personalization at scale. These technologies are more complex, but AI is making them possible, meaning you can often reach out to people without, in fact, having to write things yourself.
Making personalized recommendations is one option. For example, you could do what Amazon and Netflix do and build an engine that learns what people like and knows what to suggest to them next.
You could also do it through content personalization. For example, if you know a customer is dealing with a specific issue, you might tailor the content to deal with that instead of something else.
Card Payment Processing
You can also explore options like credit card payment processing by North. These are ideal for customer acquisition because they allow you to make paying more convenient.
Think about it: would your customers prefer to pay with a click of a button on their phones? Or would they prefer to drive to a cash point, take out cash in the rain, and then drive to your store? Obviously, the former is better than the latter.
Paid Ads
Paid ads are, unfortunately, one of the most proven ways to attract and retain customers. Yes, it is expensive, but it is also highly effective if you know what to do.
Paid ads work by getting your products and ideas in front of people immediately. Instead of forcing them to search through organic results and hopefully find your store, they can click one of the top links and order immediately.
Then, after they order from you, you can continue to bombard them with ads encouraging them to buy again with remarketing. Here, you place ads on third-party sites that link directly to recommended products that consumers might want to buy, again encouraging a higher click-through rate.
So there you have it: the science of customer acquisition. Now you know what works, you are ready to implement it in your business.
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