A huge list of funny egg puns, jokes, riddles and one-liners. Perfect for Easter, Instagram and beyond! These are the best egg puns you’ll ever find!
If you want to make your family and friends laugh out loud this Easter or are looking for some funny egg jokes for kids, try one of these hilarious egg puns!
While they are perfect for Easter, they will also make a great Instagram caption, Birthday card text, or any other egg-related caption.
Before we move on to the best egg puns and jokes, discover our entire collection of puns and jokes below.
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Without further ado, let’s dive into the funniest egg puns, jokes, and riddles. Enjoy!
The Best Egg Puns And Jokes
- What does a demonic hen lay? Deviled eggs!
- What happened to the chicken at school? He was eggs-pelled!
- What did the hotel guest say to the chef after an incredible breakfast? “That was egg-ceptional!”
- What’s an egg’s favorite motivational phrase? “Stay on the sunny side up!”
- Why were the eggs running so fast? They were afraid of being beaten!
- What did the egg say about escaping the chef? “I might whisk it and run!”
- What’s an egg’s favorite sport? Running!
- Why don’t dinosaurs lay eggs? They’re egg-stinct.
- Do you know any good egg jokes? I’ve got a dozen of ’em.
- A piece of toast and a hard-boiled egg walked into a bar. The bartender says, “Sorry, we don’t serve breakfast here!”.
- Why did the eggs go to school? So that they could become egg-ucated.
- What do you call a city with 25 million eggs? New Yolk City.
- My friend asked for a weird birthday present this year. It was really cheap, so I bought it, but I have no idea why he’d want an eggs-box!
- Why did the egg regret being in an omelet? It wasn’t all it was cracked up to be.
- Why did the man steal his eggs? He likes them poached.
- Why was the chicken up all night? Restless Egg Syndrome!
- What does Mrs. Egg say every morning to Mr. Egg? “Have an eggs-tra special day!”.
- What do you call an adventurous egg? An eggs-plorer!
- What did the egg do when it saw the frying pan? It scrambled!
- How do chickens stay fit? They eggs-ercise!
- What did the doctor tell the chicken with high cholesterol? “Try to lay off eggs for a while!”
- How did the chicken feel after a long day on the farm? Eggs-hausted!
- Why did the Easter egg hide? He was a little chicken!
- Where is the best place to learn about eggs? The hen-cyclopedia!
- What did the two eggs say after brunch? “Let’s hatch a plan for the rest of the day!”.
- How does a hen leave her coop? Through the eggs-it!
- What do you call an egg that is out of this world? Eggstraterrestial!
- What did Snow White name her hen? Egg White!
- What did the egg say after someone bumped into her? Egg-scuse me!
- What’s the worst crime as far as an egg is concerned? Poaching!
- How do you make an egg roll? Just give it a little push!
- Did you hear about the hen who laid her egg on an axe? She wanted to hatchet.
- Why did it take the chicken so long to cross the road? There was no eggs-press lane!
- What did the egg say to the clown? “You crack me up!”.
- What do you call a smart omelet? An egg head!
- What came first, the chicken or the egg? The dinosaur.
- What happened to the chicken at school? He was eggs-pelled!
- Have you done something different with your hair? You look eggs-traordinary!
- I saw an egg behaving really weirdly today. He must have been really egg-centric.
- I saw a sign earlier that said, ‘Free Range Eggs.’ I’ve never heard of Range Eggs before, but at least they were free to take.
- I’ve decided to put my eggs all in one basket. I’m just tired of looking silly walking around the supermarket.
- An egg walked into a bar and cracked a yolk. He left behind a real mess.
- I went to the store today and bought some really oddly shaped eggs. Now I can’t find them. I think they’ve been mislaid.
- A boy walks into a house with a fried egg on his head. The mom asks, “Why have you got a fried egg on your head?” The boy replies, “Because boiled eggs fall off.”
- The man who has been eating eggs every day for breakfast, lunch, and dinner realized he has benedicted.
- Who tells the best eggs puns? The comedy-hens!
- Why are you egg-noring me? Don’t you like my egg-cellent jokes?
- Where do Eskimos keep their eggs? Inside an egg-loo!
- Why did the egg cross the road? To get to the Shell station!
- What do you call a scared egg? Terri-fried!
- Why was the egg late for school? He studied all night for the eggs-am.
- What’s an egg’s favorite type of coffee? An eggspresso!
- Why did the celebrity egg start losing her friends? They called her a shell-out.
- How did the hen get to work so fast? She used the eggs-press lane!
- An egg living on a deserted island is living in Eggs Isle.
- The egg doctor uses his eggs ray vision to scan his patients.
- What’s a hen’s favorite shipping company? Federal Egg-spress.
- What does a meditating egg say? Ohmmmmmmmlet.
- What do you call someone who eats too many eggs? An egg-oholic.
- Who wrote the book “Great Egg-spectations”? Charles Chickens.
- What’s an egg’s least favorite day of the week? Fry-day!
- When is the best time to eat eggs? At the crack of dawn!
- What did the egg say to his girlfriend? “You are the hottest chick I’ve ever seen and that’s no eggs-aggeration!”
- How do eggs get around? On a s-egg-way.
- What do you call a self-obsessed egg? An eggomaniac.
- What type of egg refuses to come out of its shell? An egg-arophobic.
- Two eggs went hatch-hiking around the world.
- What do you get if you cross a chicken with an alarm? An alarm cluck.
- What do chickens grow on? Eggplants.
- Why is the chef so mean? He beats the eggs.
- How many French eggs do you need? One egg is un oeuf.
- What is the most famous talent show for eggs? The Eggs Factor!
- The eggs decided to leave Europe, so we need to prepare for Breggsit.
- I dropped an egg onto a concrete floor, and it didn’t break. This is because concrete floors are really hard.
- What did the egg say to the boiling water? “It will be a minute before I get hard. I just got laid by a chick”.
- What kind of car does an egg drive? A yolkswagon!
- Why can’t an egg speak publicly? He cracks under pressure.
- An egg got late to work. He says to his boss: “Sorry omelette.”
- I served Elton John a boiled egg the other day. I asked him how it was, and he said: “It’s a little bit runny”.
- What do you do to a murderous egg? You egg-secute it!
- What do you call a hen who counts her eggs? A mathemachicken.
- Why should you always eat eggs benedict at home on Christmas? Because there’s no place like home for the hollandaise.
- I’ve ordered a chicken and an egg online. I’ll let you know…
- Police were questioning an egg. He couldn’t say anything, he was scrambling for words.
- What happens when chickens lay eggs at the top of a hill? Egg rolls!
- A chicken and an egg walk into a bar. The bartender asks them, “So, who’s first?”.
- That little hen is the best at what she does because she is an eggs-pert.
- The only type of plant that an egg will keep in the hen house is an eggplant.
- The egg did not play on the computer too much because his mother said his brain would be fried.
- Whenever you mix a cookbook with a computer manual, you will wind up with an egg-shell spreadsheet.
- You must be an Easter Egg because I’m dyeing to get to know you better!
- Why did the new egg feel so good? Because he just got laid!
- The eggs loved having a clown at their birthday parties because he always cracked them up.
- The funny thing about confused chickens is that they will always lay scrambled eggs.
- The egg was never going to make it as a stand-up comedian because she’s always cracking up at his own yokes.
- How can you tell if an egg’s been boiled or not? Eggs-ray vision.
- You’re poaching all my best yolks!
- What train do eggs take to get to school? The Hogwarts Eggs-press!
- How do clowns like their eggs? Funny side up!
- What’s the difference between you and eggs? Eggs get laid!
- The programmer’s wife said to her husband, “We’re out of bread. Please go to the grocery store and buy one. And if they’ve got eggs, get six.” After a while, he’s back with six loaves of bread. The wife asks, “Why did you buy six loaves of bread?” He replies, “They had eggs.”
- I bought a Dalek egg timer recently. After a few minutes, it shouts, “Eggs terminate!”.
- Why are eggs bad at puns? They always mix up their yokes!
- A rooster ran across the border from the USA to Canada and laid an egg. Which country does that egg belong to? Roosters don’t lay eggs!
- My wife was making a cake. The recipe said separate two eggs, so she put one egg in the living room.
- What do you call an egg murderer? An eggs-terminator.
- What’s eggs’ favorite word? An egg-spresion.
- How do you know if the egg is pr-egg-nant? It’s pretty obvious when it’s egg-specting.
- Why should you be careful what you say around egg whites? They can’t take a yolk!
- What did the egg say after acing its test? “Omelet smarter than I look!”.
- Why do people love having hard-boiled eggs for breakfast? They’re so hard to beat!
- What did the hen say to her chick? “Don’t you egg-nore me!”
- Why did the egg fail its driving test? He liked to egg-celerate too much!
- What do you call a mischievous egg? A practical yolker!
I hope you have enjoyed this egg puns, jokes, and riddles collection.
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